
CE4CE project

Public Transport Infrastructure in Central Europe - To facilitate the transition to the circular economy.


Thanks to CE4CE, the public transport sector is incentivised to think circular and thus to develop coherent approaches by integrating them into strategic frameworks for system development.

Furthermore, stakeholders from the public transport community cooperate in CE4CE to develop and integrate processes and solutions as key factors for the circular economy. Examples include data sharing, new supply and innovative project guidelines, product and business model design, extended life cycle assessment and cost-benefit analysis methodologies.

The partnerships developed within the CE4CE project reflect the value chain and development perspectives of the local public transport system by including 12 project partners, including authorities, operators and industries from 7 countries.

To extend this co-operation, active international networks such as ICLEI, UITP and EIT Urban Mobility/Commodities were involved to maximise project communication and knowledge exchange.

Lead partner and coordinator of the CE4CE project is LVB, a company that provides public transport services in the city of Leipzig and carries 140 million passengers annually.

ATB contribution

ATB takes part in the project by contributing to the development of the action plan measures.

Specifically, the company was commissioned to develop three studies that represent the basis on which CE4CE's activities in Bergamo will be based, namely

  • e-BRT study that envisages the planning of a new e-BRT (Electric - Bus Rapid Transit) line in Bergamo
  • Porta Sud Project, which consists of the reorganisation of Bergamo's main intermodal node in order to improve synergies between the railway, tramway (T1 line and future T2 line), urban and extra-urban bus system and interchange car park, with a specific focus on energy efficiency, including the possibility of creating from renewable sources
  • e-Plan coordinating the development of the public infrastructure network for electric vehicles.

In the CE4CE project, ATB also aims to identify circular procurement criteria for 65 e-buses by 2030 and to research solutions for predictive maintenance of e-buses.

The opportunity to share expertise with the other partners involved in the project is essential to provide interesting insights and to guide the future choices of the various industries involved.

Economic data

Total project budget € 2,738,030

Total ATB budget € 216,500.00, of which € 173,200 financed by ERDF - European Regional Development Fund - and € 43,300 financed by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF/IGRUE - Italian State Revolving Fund by resolution CIPESS 12/2021 (approval phase).

Project duration: from 04/2023 to 03.2026.

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